Are you ready to learn how to win your ad agency’s next pitch?

planning to win

Carefully plan your next shot, if you want to win.

To gain some insight into how others are winning more new business then ever? To pick up some tips and ideas that have helped some of the most successful marketing firms on the planet? To fix new business forever?

Do you always have a carefully planned way to pitch the account? Are you organized and focused on doing what it takes to win? How can you make up for a lack of time already? How can you improve your chances? Do you really have a winning new business process?

Play to win by doing the right things. Fight for only accounts you are prepared to win. Win at least 50% of the time by properly identifying when and where to pitch. Win before you step on the field with an integrated strategic and tactical plan. Don’t count on someone else to save the game. Win with perfect presentations. Prepare, practice, perfection.

Our System Wins.

Last year we helped agencies win $500 million in new business. 26 wins in  row. Our clients present less often… but win more often. We show a way to win, not just to play.

Is your agency presenting too much fluff and not enough stuff?

Are you showing pretty pictures to show are how smart you are? Are you presenting old capabilities or are you showing results? Are you talking about agency generalities or specifics about the client? Are you showcasing old work or are you showcasing your people’s understanding of the situation?

If you want to win more often, you’ve got to have a winning system.

Do you have an advance planning method to be far ahead in the process before the presentation starts? Are you organized to avoid a lot of last minute changes? Are there tasks assigned far in advance of the first pitch meeting? Do you understand the critical steps in a presentation?

If you’re ready to build the winning game plan, we’re ready to help. Call us for a free telephone consultation with a Sanders Consulting Group expert at 412.897.9329 or email us at [email protected] and discover your winning ad agency strategy!


Photo by EvGen1us