Do you have a strategic process?
If you do, your prospects will want to see it. And better still, they’ll want to see how it’s used. That means your strategic process needs to be visual, easy to understand, and simple to demonstrate.

There will always be winners and losers. What counts in new business is the right strategy and winning.
Most agencies have a process they can point to. The problem is many of the strategic maps are too complicated to understand. Few are easy to demonstrate. And fewer still show any linkage between strategy uncovered in the process and linkage to the creative being recommended. That’s a sure way to lose clients and miss out in new business selections.
Strategic Handicaps:
Agencies of all types are being faulted for a variety of strategic handicaps, including not providing strategic leadership, for poor linkage between strategy development and creative recommendations, and for confusing account planning with communications strategy. For this reason, every marketing communication company should recheck its strategic development tool chest.
If yours is lacking, then consider bringing our Benefit Testing process in. It’s simple to install, very popular with the staff, a sure-fire winner in new business, makes heroes of the creative team, and is visual enough to knock the socks off any client or prospect.
A research tool that can be used both in new business and with your current clients.
A Silver Bullet For Strategic New Business Closing:
This unique process helps clients and prospective clients see that you understand their business and have invested time and effort into understanding their customers. A real silver bullet in winning new accounts and growing your current accounts.
Benefit Testing is a unique research tool in that it meets the needs of all personality types, shows commitment and effort while being quick and simple to conduct and is a way to replace expensive spec creative with inexpensive spec research.
Does the best creative always win the account? Does the agency that shows the “best stuff” to a prospect automatically get the account? Can an agency lose the creative presentation and still win the account?
From the agency side, no matter how you answer those questions – you’re wrong. The agency doesn’t answer these questions – the client does! The question you, the agency, has to answer is, “How do I present the strongest creative possible . . . and prove it?”
Benefit Testing is the answer. Benefit Testing is a unique research process that identifies the “best” strategies, positioning, tag line, etc. to present to the prospect or client. We’re not talking about the most creative, the funniest or even the most imaginative – Benefit Testing identifies the “best” in a way that shows commitment and concern for the serious issues surrounding the marketing of your prospect’s or client’s products or services.
It is not an attempt to offer a solution, but a way to become part of the solution. And when you become part of the solution, you can quickly become agency of record.
Benefit Testing is a strategic development process that Sanders Consulting Group helped develop and then turned into a day-long, on-site strategic development training program for agencies. It’s a very contemporary, highly visual process that agencies can use to win new business, drive brand consulting, build brands, solve key client problems, develop new promotional insights, and uncover creative breakthroughs.
Benefit Testing is a unique research tool in that it meets the needs of all personality types, shows commitment and effort while being quick and simple to conduct and is a way to replace expensive spec creative with inexpensive spec research.
Call Us:
Call your Sanders Consulting Group representative at 412.897.9329 for program details, pricing options and schedule availability. Or email us at [email protected]
Photo by dgcdvaras