Sanders Consulting Group Inc. is a leading agency new business consulting firm specializing in the marketing communications industry.

New business consultant

Bob Sanders
Sanders Consulting Group

The firm focuses on helping ad agencies, marketing companies, media firms, design firms, and public relations consultancies of all types grow and expand. The firm has been in business over 30 years. We never work for your clients.

Our Sweet Spot:

Sanders Consulting concentrates in five key areas that have significant impact on your firm’s future. See if these fit your situation:

  1. Help our clients properly brand and position themselves so they compete successfully in today’s rapidly changing marketplace.
  2. Help the leadership at our clients develop growth programs and new business strategies that achieve steady increases in revenue for a number of years.
  3. Make sure our clients have account service procedures and good chemistry training so client churn is not a problem and, in fact, our firms become acknowledged as the ones to keep.
  4. Work with our clients to set up the best ways to manage people, policies and procedures so that above-average profitability is achieved, and all types of management concerns, such as structure, exit planning, and M&A initiatives, are dealt with properly.
  5. Lastly, put in place internal communication programs that help staff members understand the firm’s direction and how to be part of its success.

Click here for brief history of Sanders Consulting Group.

Who We Work For:

Over the years our client base has held steady with 1/3 of clients having less than 10 employees; 1/3 of clients come from larger regional firms; and 1/3 of clients are made up of national firms, holding companies and international agencies.

Sanders’ Consulting Group does no work for advertisers but is 100% on the side of marketing communication companies.

We have helped over 5000 marketing firms with their new business training needs.

Client Geography:

Sanders Consulting has worked in every state and in over 50 countries around the world. For many years seven of the ten largest agencies in the world used the firm to train their managers and to help win key chunks of business. The firm has helped set up new business programs for many of the most successful agency holding companies and its customized training programs have been adopted for use internally by many international communication companies.

How We Recommend Beginning:

Our work with a firm usually begins with a one-day planning session called a DayOne where an evaluation is made on the firm’s performance and compared to a set of national measures and goals other firms have found critical to success. This evaluation takes about a half a day. The balance of the time is spent on firm priorities, management concerns, evaluating client mix, understanding the competitive set, and reviewing how the firm presents for business formally in custom presentations and informally in quick-close situations. We provide an 80-page planning guide to keep discussions on track. Before we leave we help define the firm’s current brand suggest how to make it more appealing to prospects. As a rule Sanders Consulting finds a fuzzy brand is often the key source of both poor growth and internal confusion over identity. And this fuzzy brand often contributes to a lack of discipline on where to focus new business activities.

A Telling Question:

Today who at your firm is contacting prospects on your behalf? We mean who is reaching out and building relationships for you today? At many marketing communication companies, no one is tasked with this important chore of outreach. Oh, no doubt there’s some new business work being done at the office today. A presentation deck is being prepared, a RFP is being developed or a social media blog is being written. But no one will actually talk with a good prospect today on your behalf. This means no one today is building your awareness so clients who are seeking a firm like yours are not being prompted to call you. If this is your firm, understand this is not good. See we believe when the sun comes up, someone at your firm needs to be on the hunt. And cold calling, which is winking in the dark, is not what we mean.

Check here to see a few of our clients and some testimonials.