We offer a wide variety of alternative programs that can fit a wide variety of audiences.

best speaker for any conference

Been called the best presenter in the business.

Some include topics directed at agencies and marketing communication firms and specialized for them. Or, as an alternative, we can run programs that many ad clubs like because they appeal to a diverse audience group, like their membership, including clients, media, vendors and the rest. The sessions typically use our materials, and we’ll help you promote it with promotional materials, give-aways, raffles and the rest. Each time we have done it, the results have surprised the sponsoring organizations.

Typical Speaking Topics

New Business
Chemistry Wins New Business
Agency Tours That Win
How to Profile Prospects and Win
How to Fast Close Accounts
Winning Presentations
How to Win at the RFP Round
New Business Mistakes to Avoid
Client Retention
Client Bonding
How to Keep Clients Forever
Skills Every Account Executive Needs to Know
Negotiation for Fun and Profit
The Value of Planning.  The Folly of Plans
Structure is the Enemy
How to Exit from the Business
How to Fix Succession Planning
Partner Marriages and Partner Divorces
Profit Leakers That Need Fixing
Marketing Business
How to Pick an Agency
How the Agency World Got Here and What to Do About It
Where this Business is Going
Make Brand Consulting a Way of Life
Creating a Future in a Changing Business Environment
Building Your Brand


Time Slots: 20 minutes; 30 minutes; 1 hour; Half day; Full day; Two-day conference

Share The Revenue

For ad clubs and other not-for-profit organizations, we often suggest a revenue-sharing program built around a day-long training session that’s very much in step with your educational mission, conducted in your city and sponsored by your organization.

Because you may not have done a day-long, for-fee program before, the first time may seem like a gamble but we’ll gamble with you and share the revenue in a way that reduces your risk and puts our skin in the game. Ad clubs have charged everything from $95 for a half-day program to $300 to a day-long session for programs on client retention, new business, personality profiling, the future of the business and much more.

But the basis for the revenue sharing is conducting a program that’s deemed so valuable but outside your normal meeting schedule that you can charge your members extra for it. And they willingly pay because it’s way off the normal industry rates.

And the feedback comments have been outstanding. So if you want to do an educational program and help your club financially, but you don’t like the odds, then give us a call and let’s see how we can make it work for both of us.


Photo by Evan Forester and used under Creative Commons


