No longer do companies battle each other in the marketplace.
The battles are being fought on a marketing chessboard. If you don’t understand the marketing chessboard your agency may be in checkmate. The marketing chessboard has been drawn up by clients and advertising agencies have watched it happen.
The tactical side is the low ground where all the marketing services reside including design shops, promotion specialists, media companies, direct response, public relations, free-lancers, creative boutiques and general agencies. More and more the tactical side is a commodity position where the players compete on price.
The strategic side is where the real dollars are and where the real growth will be in the future. One good indication of this is that clients spend more money with consultants than with agencies on a revenue-to-revenue comparison. Consultants drive increased revenue from existing clients, stronger client relationships, and more value. In addition, this high ground revenue stream is growing 30% – 40% each year.
Is there any doubt where the future is?
Move into Consulting. Control Your Future!
High Ground is optimized to achieve the greatest success for your firm. The course is taught on-site at your agency using real world successes and examples’ guarantying training that has real life application.
Program Objectives:
High Ground offers a hands-on workshop to help you build a consulting model for your agency. The program shows you how to move from tactics (competing on price) to strategy (competing on value). It moves the agency to the high ground and back into the CEO’s office where corporate wide strategic decisions are made.
Specific Objectives Include:
- Agency senior management session on establishing a brand consultancy at the agency with a first year revenue target
- Who will lead the consultancy, including procedures to follow, name, location, geographic focus areas, and businesses to target
- How consultancy feeds the agency is examined
- Go/no-go decision points are setup
- Session is supported with 100-page Brand Consulting Setup manual
- The overall deliverable is a new consulting firm that will generate more revenue and increase the firm’s value.
- Understanding the current agency environment and how to navigate to growth
- Build a consulting model based on the Enterprise Agency concept
- Learn about value-based initiatives and how to use them with your present clients
- Develop a consulting plan that strengthens the agency’s bottom line
- Understanding of how consulting works and the differences between agency-work vs. consulting-initiatives.
Photo by busangane