Every poker game – like new business – has its defining moment.
The most powerful move is the ability to go all in. And it helps to have a pro backing you. Occasionally a new business opportunity comes along that is significant enough to be considered a “Defining Moment” for your agency. It may be an opportunity to reshape your agency because of the account’s size, prestige, or market category. Helping agencies take full advantage of such a moment in their history is one of our most valuable and successful services. We act as behind-the-scenes coaches in many significant agency wins each year.
We’ll help you discover your prospect’s real expectations, determine the true agency selection process and assess your agency’s potential for winning, before investing in a costly review. To do this we will dedicate all of our new business resources to this most critical time in your agency’s development.
- Mastery of the best presenting techniques
- Increased productivity as participants learn what’s important in a presentation, how to save time and agency resources, and how to keep the agency’s normal work flowing while the agency prepares for a major presentation
- Better pitch strategy as participants learn how to win over key members of the prospect review panel prior to the actual presentation, how to tantalize the prospect after the presentation
- Knowledge of what subject matter should be included to help win over prospects during the presentation and which materials should be included only in the leave behind
- Information on how to work with agency search consultants to win them over before the pitch
- Insights into determining, before the presentation, what the agency selection process is and how to use this information to the agency’s advantage
Winning Formal Reviews
Marketing firms usually see these high stakes agency shoot outs in one of two ways. First, agencies view these presentations as a game of chance or luck. Here the thinking continues that if an agency makes enough presentations, an opportunity to be selected will come up. Just do your best and hope for some good luck. The second false belief is that the best creative always wins. This is rarely the case. The agency that presents the best usually wins the presentation if its creative is appropriate. Winning “new business” in a custom presentation is all about understanding the prospect’s needs, their selection process, the personalities involved and the strategies that will fit best.
“If you’re always a bridesmaid and never a bride please call us! We can show you what’s wrong and what to change, the winning techniques you need to know before you pitch again.”
Bob Sanders President, Sanders Consulting Group
Are you ready to win your next pitch?
- Is your agency presenting the wrong stuff?
- Are you showing what you’ve done or what you could do?
- Are you presenting capabilities or are you showing results?
- Are you talking about yourself or the client?
- Are your people showcasing the work or are you showcasing your people?
- Are you going to “cast the dice” the way you always do?
- Are you willing to do what it takes to win?
- Is it really too late anyway?
- Do you really have a chance?
- Do you really want to win?
- Are you planning to be ahead before the presentation starts?
- Do you usually make a lot of last minute changes?
- Is there someone really in charge of being ready?
- Do you understand just who you are presenting to?
Give us a call. We can help. Here at Sanders Consulting Group we play to win. Last year we helped agencies win hundreds of millions in new business and at one point had a string of 26 wins in row. We believe in presenting less often – but win more often. We show you how to win, not just play.
Call your Sanders Consulting Group representative at 412.897.9329 or email us at [email protected] for details, pricing options and schedule availability.
Photo by shutterpink