The Mistake of Misunderstanding Chemistry
Blair Enns, founder of Win Without Pitching, wrote a great article on 10 new business development myths. In it he references my father, Stuart Sanders (founder of Sanders Consulting Group), […]
Solve the Client, Not the Client’s Problems
Every agency has been there — charging into a new business pitch, and for the next hour or so, presenting great work, their unique approach, and overall capabilities. Some agencies […]
Understanding People Pays Big Dividends
A call came in from a small agency with a big challenge: how to better understand prospects to win some new business. The agency wanted to win the advertising account of […]
New Business: It’s Not You, It’s Me
Chemistry is that funny stuff in the space between people. It’s not about you or me, but what’s between us. That space is called Chemistry and it’s a driving force […]
Companies Never Fire Ad Agencies
People do. And people fire agencies every day for a wide variety of reasons. They justify their decisions in a variety of ways. In numerous industry studies, researchers have noted […]
Why Prospects Don’t Tell You the Truth
What really happens when you ask a good prospect tough questions? A short time ago, I was training an agency on Spark (how to generate more leads and win more […]