You can have the best creative in the business, the best strategic processes that outflank your competition, and the best brand knowledge, and still not win any new business.
It happens all the time to agencies right in your own city. It’s probably happening to you now. There is a powerful and little known marketing secret that can wipe out your new business losses, improve client retention at your firm, and straighten out the work processes inside of your organization. Plus, you can eliminate the agony of rejection that fills your shop every time you walk back in a loser from another new business pitch.
“Using the Chemistry methodology from Sanders Consulting, our mid-size agency started winning accounts left and right. Based on these wins, we taught this process to everyone in the agency and cut our client losses next to nothing. And we cut our internal stress and improved workflow, just by learning the secrets included in this powerful training.”
Midwest Agency Owner
What if you could know in advance how the prospect will choose the winning agency before the new business hunt begins? What would you say if someone could give you inside information on whether or not to take more or less people to the presentation? What would you do with inside information on whether or not to use PowerPoint, what style creative the prospect will best respond to and how to structure your case histories best? Even before the hunt starts? You would say that this knowledge is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to you in personal income. And millions in gross revenue.
Rob Whittle, President & CEO of Williams Whittle, a full-service ad agency that focuses on nonprofits, shares a great story about how they had thoroughly botched a pitch by talking about “nuts and bolts” when all the prospect wanted was to be dazzled. They had misread the prospect’s personality profile. Be sure to read it here!
Winning With Chemistry.
Chemistry is often called the hidden side of new business; let us show you how to use this powerful new business tool! We’ll will show you a way to warm up a prospect in a social situation so you get moved into the all important “consideration set,” before any other firms in the area even know the account is loose. And you wouldn’t feel like a used car salesman or a door-to-door-rep begging for a chance when you confidently bring up business in these social situations.
Learn how to make your new business presentation really work for you. We’ll show you when you should break the rules and not follow a prospect’s carefully-laid-out selection process and why you will win.
Our training will demonstrate what to do when you get caught in Agency Hell, meaning you are working for a gate keeper on the client side who constantly filters your work and picks what Mr. Big “wants to see,” but the gate keeper picks the wrong one every time, and your firm keeps getting blamed.
A better understanding of how chemistry works will help you avoid thousands of dollars in agency write offs in creative work the client wouldn’t pay for because you followed what the client asked for, not what you should have done. Avoid this problem forever.
After you have learned the process, you’ll know why some clients want lunch but others resent when you offer it. And why you should have known well in advance who expects to be taken for lunch at a nice place, who would rather order in and not leave the office, who wants some quiet time over lunch with you one-on-one, and who thinks you’re a jerk for talking about lunch when there’s work to be done.
What secret do the “hot” search consultants know but wouldn’t tell you that drives the new business process. And how your firm will continue to be buffered by running up against this little know fact. And what you should be doing about it.
In this powerful training you will see clearly the prospect you were close to winning last time and why you lost and why no one will tell you the truth. It wasn’t you. It was your ability to build good chemistry between the prospect and your firm. Things you can learn in a day with our training.
Discover the Secrets To Winning New Business.
We teach the skills in a program called Chemistry Wins New Business one-day, on-site at your firm. The program, which should include anyone in the firm who comes in contact with prospects or works on new business, will be the most popular agency meeting your firm ever conducted. We promise that.
Photo by choantro