• Where is Your Ad Agency?

    Where is Your Ad Agency?

    A recent poll among agency leaders nationwide showed clearly the strong fault lines running through the industry. Leadership is not about theory. It’s about definable action a leader can take […]

  • Don’t just survive - soar.

    Undecided What To Do About New Business?

    One day can make a difference if you’re here: You see lots of business opportunities, but you aren’t sure how to tap into them Your new business batting average isn’t […]

  • There is one clear winner at the end of an RFP process.

    Winning The RFP Process: 10 Rules

    Let me start out by saying I really don’t like the RFP process. But, to paraphrase Churchill’s famous dictum about democracy: the RFP process is the worst form of agency […]

  • Clients are leaving agencies in record numbers.

    Half Your Clients May Walk This Year

    Client retention at agencies across the country is dropping like a stone. A few years ago agencies could count on keeping clients for four years or more. Now this retention […]

  • There is plenty of new business out there – all you need is a spark!

    Agency Post: Simple Rules For New Business

    The Agency Post, an interactive publication for ad, PR and marketing professionals, was kind enough to post my thoughts on new business here. A short snippet: At its heart, new […]

  • In new business there are winners and losers. 
Learn how to win!

    Win More New Business More Often

    Bring in the experts! Learn how to fix new business forever and celebrate new business wins all the time. Growing your firm these days is more important than ever. You […]

  • Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: "I want you two turds to clean the head."

    5 Things I Hate About New Business

    Having started my career in the military, I’ve seen my share of crap. Don’t take me wrong, I loved my time serving! After all I spent 9 years traveling all […]