Transform Your Account Management Team
Account management is a lot more complicated these days. Clients no longer accept the old standard agency formulas on overhead, hourly charges, and set staffing arrangements. The Achilles’ heel of […]
New Business Presentations: You’re Doing It Wrong!
Most marketing agencies focus almost exclusively on developing the perfect content, which is the least important part of any presentation and the most easily forgotten part. Prospects will remember long […]
Building An Agency Training Program
Sanders Consulting Group has undertaken the development of a number of custom training programs, some for larger advertising firms and some for much smaller operations. For one firm, with multiple […]
Wholesale Change Can Jump-Start New Business
Lets go back and revisit one of our old clients and see how they revamped their entire ad agency new business program: A 25-year-old design studio with 7 full-time employees […]
A Hard Lesson In New Business
The head of account service (we’ll call him “Tom”) at a fast-moving regional agency was on a roll. Tom had just closed the largest account in the history of the […]
Understanding People Pays Big Dividends
A call came in from a small agency with a big challenge: how to better understand prospects to win some new business. The agency wanted to win the advertising account of […]