We usually get called in when it’s what we call a defining moment, meaning a win here will often re-define who your firm is because of the type of account and its importance to your firm’s future. 

power up your agency

Do not hesitate, power-up your agency.

Some people call it the pitch you have to win.  We want to help you win that pitch. This moment is a golden opportunity – a defining moment in your agency’s history. Depending on how well you handle this opportunity, you will either transform your business or remain just another generic marketing firm lost in the wilderness of “woulda-shoulda-coulda.”

Don’t be fooled! This is a critical time in your firm’s history. And if you think you can do the same thing you’ve always done AND win, then you are sadly mistaken. It can seem quite daunting when looking at this opportunity, clearly and objectively. Where do you start? Just how do you set yourself apart from others? How can you win?

The key lies in being prepared, bringing your “A” game and covering all the bases:

  • Be Prepared: Ensure you tailor your pitch to the specific audience. Know their personality type and tailor your presentation style to match. Know their brand, industry and more importantly, the problem they have and how best to articulate it. And most importantly, understand what sets you apart from all the other marketing firms involved in the pitch. New business is about understanding the prospect, empathizing with concerns, and solving their problems. It’s an emotional transaction, a beauty contest and first date all wrapped up into one.
  • Bring Your “A” Game: Focus on the entire presentation: content, format and style. Remember, this is a one-act play that needs heroes, villains, a reversal of fortune, and a strong finish. Do NOT wrap up the presentation with the typical media/PR plans/budget and the boring ol’ Q&A. You have to demonstrate a complete mastery of the issues, quantify what you do, all the while being entertaining and engaging. If you bore them with marketing gobbledygook, wordy slides (or slides at all!), too much content, you’ll lose the prospect. Keep it clear, concise and compelling.
  • Cover all the Bases: One of the biggest mistakes we see when helping a firm is they’ve placed all their effort on the presentation – trying to do a massive info-dump in the time allowed. Little time is spent on engaging the prospect before the presentation.  And there was no thinking on how to show up, how a strong arrival speaks volumes, how to best exit the stage, or what actions need to be taken the day after. Cover all the bases means making sure you win at every stage of the lead up and close of this defining moment. From the RFP through the day after the presentation, there are plenty of ways to showcase your agency’s talent, drive, creativity, and desire to win.

Our Offer:

When faced with a Defining Moment, you have the opportunity to catapult your business into orbit, fame and fortune. If your agency wants to learn more details on some of these techniques discussed here, contact Bob Sanders at 412.897.9329 or email us at [email protected] for a free, no-obligation coffee date. Learn how to create that one perfect winning ad agency pitch.


Photo by aquaking